Cindy's Coming Out Party

By: Phil Phantom

Copyright © 1997 ALL Rights Reserved

No one knew what to expect. The word we got was that Cindy Greyson would be in the rec room for twelve hours, all day Sunday. The implication was clear to all who knew the function of the rec room. The word got around, because by eight a.m., Sunday morning, the place was packed and cars filled the fenced enclosure.

I would estimate that over one hundred people were present, and none of us knew what the hell was going on. That sixteen-year-old doll had the place packed to the rafters. People we'd never seen before came out. Every wife from the crew was there, and most of their kids were there as well. We had to do Cindy in the tool and garage area with the big twenty-foot doors open and a portable bleacher section set up in the opening.

Darlene and I sat at the top of the bleachers with a good view of everything and everybody. The center of the area had been cleared with the exception of a heavy wooden sawhorse that had an old mattress folded over the top and straps attached to each leg at the bottom. The device sat ominously. Kids sat cross legged all around it, with adults ringing the area. Half of the people sat in the bleachers. We all assumed that Cindy was with Bart in his office, waiting to make an entrance.

While we waited, everyone speculated as to what was about to go down. The setup suggested some sort of bondage, possibly a whipping, forced exposure; or, as everyone hoped, the sex act itself. Conspicuously absent was her mother, Estelle Greyson. All of her cronies and relatives except her husband, were there. Her butler and her maid were present as well. Chief Evans was there with six of his officers, as was the superintendent of schools, Don Hightower. The who's who of local society were all present and accounted for, all waiting, all were speculating just as Darlene and I were.

The best guess was that Bart had somehow seduced Cindy. We knew that with Bart it had to be something sexual, and the sawhorse lent credibility to that assumption. It was not a setup to feature her gymnastic abilities. He would not gather us in this place for a private dance recital or to hear her sing. Her mother did that and used the town meeting hall. No, we were there to see another side of Cindy Greyson. Rape was never mentioned by anyone that we could overhear. That possibility was unthinkable, not that Bart was beyond raping a minor, but not with Estelle Greyson's daughter, and definitely not in the presence of so many witnesses.

The sharp crack and cry that came from Bart's office sent a quiet hush through the assembled mass. The place was so quiet you could hear heart beats. Another crack followed and another girl's loud, plaintive wail came with it. The swish and crack, along with the wails of a poor child in agony, followed one after the other for a full minute. Mouths hung open but no tongues were wagging. Darlene didn't even have a comment. If it weren't for the fact that the police were there in force, several of the men would have rushed the office. I was one of them, Bart or no Bart. You don't beat a child like Cindy Greyson. Just the idea was an affront against all that was decent. Since the police didn't budge, I didn't either.

The beating stopped as suddenly as it had started. Sighs of relief swept the crowd. All we could hear was Cindy's pitiful whimpers. Seconds later, the office door opened. Bart pushed Cindy ahead of him, into the light and the intense stare of two hundred eyes.

Cindy wore a thick black blindfold and her hands were bound severely behind her back, stretching her beautiful breasts against the fabric of her torn dress. Half of her left tit showed through the tear. The dress appeared to have had the skirt sloppily cut or torn to reduce it to a ridiculously short length, showing her bare legs almost to the crotch. Her magnificent creamy white legs showed crisscrossing angry read weals made by the recent beating.

Bart wore a silk robe like the one prize fighters wear. He also wore his paratrooper jump boots, highly shined. He tossed a thin cane to the floor and marched Cindy, stumbling and weaving to the sawhorse.

Darlene whispered, "My God, is he crazy? Do you think he's actually going to rape Cindy Greyson?"

Others were whispering the same thing. A strong murmur went through the assembly. I replied, "It looks that way. We can't sit here and watch that. We'll be a party to it if we don't do something or get the hell out."

"The cops are here; we don't need to do anything. That's their job. Besides, who wants to stop it? Look at her. She's lovely. Any kid that looks that good needs raping. Besides, it's Bart's ass; let him worry about the consequences. Cindy doesn't know who's here, and I'll bet you nobody has the balls to talk above a whisper. Relax. Let's sit back and watch the show. Everybody else is."

Indeed they were. Every head strained forward as Bart positioned Cindy before the sawhorse, facing the bleachers with her ass against the mattress. He invited the kids to fasten Cindy's legs to the sawhorse. While four kids did that, he handed two young girls scissors and invited them to remove Cindy's clothes. They went right to work. Pieces and shreds fell like rain until Cindy was naked. A collective gasp went through the audience on seeing her luscious body in all its glory. The kids even tied rope to her knees to tie them to the legs of the sawhorse, opening up her beaver dramatically.

Bart untied her arms and forced her to lie back over the mattress. He pulled her hands down and the kids took over, binding her wrists to each back leg of the horse. As Cindy's body arched back, her pussy opened like an orchid on our side of the horse with her tits up and stretched tight as drums on the other side.

Bart shrugged off the robe and another gasp went through us. He was naked except for a leather jock. The jock had a hole where his nine-inch, big helmeted prick jutted through. It angled up, throbbing. Ringing his cock at the base were numerous shiny metal studs, giving it a menacing appearance like a Nazi truncheon--the cock from hell. He marched, strutted before us, watching the kids amuse themselves with Cindy's body. We didn't know where to look. He made the kids sit so as not to block our view of Cindy's intimate anatomy.

All eyes strained for a clear view of Cindy's pussy. Without a doubt, her pussy was the most beautiful thing we'd ever seen. She sported a recent shave that left no trace of hair. Every detail was out in plain sight clear to her pink, puckered anus. The sunlight beaming in on her lit up her coral pink interior, making a glistening sheen reflect back in return. Her clit stood tall and free from the puffy labia lips. The kids were flicking it back and forth with their fingers. It responded like stiff rubber, returning with a vibration to its natural state--front and center, at attention. Her nipples looked as though they were about to launch themselves--dark, pink missile cones emerging from a snow covered silo mound.

The girl was turned on, and the beating she'd taken was not as severe as it first looked. Already, the red lines grew faint. Her vaginal wetness began leaking out of her pussy hole to flow over her sphincter muscle making it gleam. Every cock in the house stood to salute her beauty.

Bart came forward and announced, "All right, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. As you can see, I have arranged a special treat for you. I offer you, Cindy Greyson in the raw. Before we begin, I want to offer each and every cock in this group a chance to sample this adorable creature. I will allow one minute for each of you. At the whistle, give way to the next in line. We will begin with the kids after I get her properly warmed up."

Bart got between her legs and centered the head of his mighty dick at her opening and pushed. He pushed in to the studs and Cindy cried out. We were stunned. The men present were speechless. He fucked her without mercy, slamming his cock all the way in repeatedly as the kids fought for a view from beneath or tried to squeeze in from the sides. Mothers tried to pull their excited offspring away, but they all fought. Most of the mothers gave up. The fucking was the most obscenely erotic I'd ever witnessed. Others around me seemed to agree.

If Darlene wouldn't let me have a turn, I was fully prepared to tell her to fuck off and die. Thankfully, she grabbed my crotch then leaned to me and said, "You are thinking about your turn, aren't you? Oh, all right. You can have some, too. I'm only allowing this because I want to know how it feels, so pay attention and remember everything."

Bart fucked her for several minutes before emptying his balls in her and bringing her to orgasm. When he triumphantly pulled out, a cheer went up as his thick load poured out of her gaping snatch, her cunt reddened from the abuse. Bart Jr. was first in line. He pulled out his dick and promptly stuck it in her pussy while playing with her tits. He set the tone for the rest. After each whistle blow, another took his place. The line moved forward.

After each male kid had a turn, men began lining up. I quickly got in line. I was twenty back in a line of sixty. Twenty minutes later, I sank my cock into heaven. It was the longest sixty seconds of my life. Her pussy was like a wet velvet glove with a hand still in it, massaging my erection. Her tits were like nothing I ever felt, a delicious combination of soft and hard all at once. Her nipples were like hard rubber and spring loaded. Her clit was a joy to tease and pull. In parting, I gave it a tug. It snapped back like an elastic band. I returned to Darlene on rubbery legs.

After everyone got a turn, the women were offered a chance. Half of them took that opportunity. Half of those used their mouths on Cindy. Half of those who used their mouths focused exclusively on her pussy. My Darlene was one of those. She sucked Cindy's cunt without the least hesitation and had to be pried away by the women in line behind her.

After the women were through, we all drew tickets for the chance to spend one hour with Cindy on the bed from the rec room. Bart made it clear, after a few protests from wives with children present, that everyone would participate in the drawing, and that those drawing a winning ticket would strip down and spend one hour on the bed with Cindy. He said, "You can play tic-tac-toe on her ass for the entire hour, but you will participate. Consider it the price of admission."

With that said, he circulated a sandbag filled with numbered tickets and saw to it that everyone drew a ticket. Each person, even a three-year-old boy, reached blindly into the bag and withdrew a ticket. Tickets numbered one through ten were winning tickets and set the order. I didn't get one, but Jason, the Greyson's butler and the only black present, did. He drew the number one. Don Hightower, the superintendent of schools, got the number two ticket, and Chief Evans drew the three. Two guys on the crew won a turn. One cop, and one ten-year-old boy won. Two women, and an eight-year-old girl also won an hour with Cindy. Darlene had a winning ticket and was last in line with the number ten.

The shocker, however, was that the other woman was none other than Cindy's Aunt Connie. Connie was Estelle's sister and Bart's ex-wife and was last to draw. We were all surprised to see her present. She is Estelle's younger sister, and the two are as different in personality and temperament as night is to day. She is gracious and never condescending, volunteers for practically every worthy cause, and is never the object of the scandals that always surround Estelle. She was not one who got in line with the women when they were offered the opportunity to sample Cindy, nor did she appear to be happy about being present at all. When she drew a four, she made a face that appeared to say to Bart, "You bastard. You set me up." His smile seemed to say, "You're damned right I did, you bitch!"

It may have been my imagination, but Darlene expressed the very same sentiments as my own. We were both eager to see her number come up, because she appeared resigned to her participation. She appeared to have no choice, and furthermore, she realized that she could not get away with an hour of tic tac toe. Besides that, Connie is a fine looking babe with big tits and a shapely figure. Even to attend this debauch, she was dressed modestly and had her hair and makeup finely applied. She appeared to be on her way to a church social.

She sat in stark contrast to the rest of us who looked more like a group dressed for a cock fight, especially with half of the men leaving their cocks exposed after the trip to Cindy. Some strutted around, showing off for the females; others, such as myself, kept them out for comfort and ease of stroking. Still others kept their instruments at the ready in the hope that they'd be called to action. Three guys were stark naked as was the wife of one of the guys on our crew with the sixteen-year-old daughter (Jenny from the picnic). She was trying to get her daughter to take her clothes off as well, but was dealing with a terribly shy and nervous teenager. Jenny was also a classmate of Cindy's and probably feared suffering the same fate as Cindy.

Bart had the ten winners off to the side in a private conference. The rest of us were talking in groups. A large group freed Cindy while guys from the crew brought the four poster bed out and took the sawhorse away. Both groups merged for the tying of Cindy to the bed. Literally dozens of hands held her in a spread-eagle as her wrists and ankles were bound and pillows stuffed under her ass and head. You couldn't see her tits or between her legs for all the hands. Smaller groups gathered to watch and talk. I sat between two young couples, all newbies like myself and Darlene. After Darlene left, I sat between the two wives.

On my left was eighteen-year-old Barbara, Barbie, still in high school, a petite senior with long black hair and dynamite legs. She was also eight months pregnant. If I could have seen over her big belly, I could have seen her husband's hand playing with her pussy. As it was, I could see all of her gorgeous legs as she pumped my cock and his.

On my right was a big-titted blond waitress with her blouse open and her shorts down around her ankles. I didn't know her name. Her husband was the most recent hire. I wasn't sure they were married until her wedding ring scraped the base of my cock. I played with her left tit while she massaged my balls and jacked her husband off. Every time the guys in front of us turned around, she parted her knees wide to show off her blonde pussy. They turned around quite a bit.

We weren't conspicuous by any means. All over the place we could see women in various stages of undress, many were topless or had their naked tits out. Most had found a stiff cock that struck their fancy and held onto it possessively. Some were sucking their prize right beside their husbands with their kids looking on.

Everywhere we looked we saw more sights that inspired us. The carnival-like atmosphere grew in intensity as more body parts came into view. The kids were fun to watch. They'd been quickly excited by seeing all the adults doing nasty adult things. They scurried about in ones and twos, poking their heads into intimate areas where nasty things were happening.

Naked boys used the bleachers like playground monkey bars, crawling and slithering between the legs of women getting fingered. Several times, we'd look down and see a smiling face leering between either Barbie or the blonde's legs. The women seemed to like it. I didn't see anyone admonishing the boys or trying to hide themselves.

The girls were almost as bad. They worked alone, finding male laps to sit on. They allowed themselves to be freely fondled and fingered. One by one, they were stripped. Half were naked, and none wore panties after things heated up. We watched one mother remove her six-year-old's dress and panties, then she sent the child off with a playful slap on her cute ass. That child found a lap to her liking and sprawled on it.

Most eyes shifted to Jenny when her mother, in frustration, delivered a mild slap to her face for resisting her efforts to expose her body. Several men with hardons had gathered around the two, and were urging the mother on. Jenny's father, sitting beside his wife, was one of the most vocal. Jenny stood passively with her head down and allowed her mother to methodically remove every item, even her shoes and socks. Blushing red all over, she was placed on her back over both of her parents' laps.

We had a good profile shot of this action, as they were in chairs off to the right. They set her with her legs in our direction and her head in her father's lap. Her mother slapped at the girl's clamped legs until they fell wide, exposing a delightfully youthful vagina. Her father turned the girl's head so that her lips pressed against his standing cock. He must have told her to lick, because her tongue slithered out to take shy laps at the base of his cock. It certainly wasn't her idea. Nor was it her idea to let the men play with her pussy, but she permitted that as well.

It was delightful watching that reluctant and shy girl slowly surrender to the aroused passions her young body had no choice but to respond to. With six horny adults working experienced hands on her most sensitive anatomy, she had no chance. We could see the transformation reflected in the way she licked her father's dick. It went from tongue touches to licks, to laps, to laps using her hand on it to pull the head down so that she could get at the precum drool, to a full blown cock sucking as she strained to engulf the full cock in her madly sucking mouth. She held her legs up and strained to keep them wide apart, wriggling and writhing under the penetrating, two-hole assault.

Barbie drew our attention away, saying, "Look, Darlene is taking off her clothes."

Darlene, in the huddle of performers, quickly divested herself of her only garment, a short dress. She kicked off her heels and was naked. The huddle broke up and the people returned to their seats. Darlene strutted her naked body all the way back to us and took her seat between me and Barbie, saying, "Guess what? I go first. Don and the Chief didn't want to follow that big dicked butler, so Bart had us trade tickets. Wait till you see the show we are going to put on, especially mine."

I said, "What about Connie?"

"I was right. She has to do a lezzy number on Cindy. Bart has something on her. She was the only one he spelled out what she had to do. She never objected. Believe me, we're all going to love it if she goes through with it, and I think she's resigned to doing it."

Barbie said, "Did she say she'd do it?"

"Actually, she didn't say anything. We could tell she was resigned to doing it, though. Whatever he has on her, it must be big."

We looked to our left where Connie sat demurely with her face in her hands. Just the thought of Connie Dugan and Cindy Greyson, naked on the same bed, had my cock screaming for release. As Darlene pumped my dick, I formed the mental image of Connie sucking Cindy's pussy before an audience of one hundred. My cock erupted. Darlene made my jism arch up to land on the cop sitting in front of me. It peppered the back of his neck. When he turned, a big rope hit his cheek. He shouted, "Hey, God damnit! Knock that shit off."

Darlene pulled my cock back while milking the last dribbles, saying, "Sorry. Look, I'll make it up to you. I owe you a fuck. You can collect any time. My husband will give you our address."

He wiped his face and neck, only slightly pacified, and said, "It will take more than one fuck."

Darlene said, "Whatever it takes, you'll know where you can find me."

The exchange was interrupted by Bart. He called everyone to take their seats, requested we settle down, then introduced Darlene. She stood and made her way to the bed as Bart took a seat with his wife and family, front row and center. She circled the bed so that everyone could see her from all angles as she studied her plaything. Tension mounted. Cindy breathed rapidly and shallow, helplessly bound and exposed, still blind folded.

Darlene mounted the bed and stood over Cindy's head, facing the crowd. She began a slow sexy gyration as she sank. The crowd cheered her on as she sank lower and lower, aiming her cunt for Cindy's mouth. Cindy couldn't see what was coming, but knew someone was standing with feet beside her head. When Darlene's crotch got to within inches, Cindy seemed to catch a whiff of pussy. She held steady as that pussy came lower, then made contact. Darlene, squatting, moved her cunt onto the girl's mouth. Cindy kissed, then licked it, bringing a howl of approval from the gallery.

Darlene gave Cindy a good face washing while Cindy gave Darlene a good tongue bath. After a while, Darlene fell face forward to lie prone over Cindy, bringing her mouth to Cindy's sex. The two girls were in a sixty-nine, going to town on each other. After mutual climaxes, Darlene fucked her with a dildo. They then used a double-headed dildo and fucked each other.

Since I'd seen Darlene in action thousands of times, I took the opportunity to look around. Jenny was still laid out on her parent's lap. She was still sucking her father's cock, but Mommy was actively preparing her to receive another man's cock in her virginal cunt. She had two fingers working in her tight opening while the lucky man waited, poised to enter. Jenny occasionally looked down to see what was going on, but offered no resistance. Beside me, Barbie had a young admirer fingering her from below and another playing with her full tits. Her husband made room for the kids.

Off to the side, near Connie, a middle-aged man was trying to get a young girl on his dick. Connie made disapproving faces as he did. When the child sank onto his turgid rod, she looked away in disgust. Three couples were fucking and countless others were engaged in genital play. Sex was happening all around me. I glanced to Jenny, just in time to watch her get her cherry busted. Mommy held the man's balls while he did the dirty deed and Daddy erupted a thick flow over his daughter's face, pulling her mouth into contact for the last few squirts. Another man got in line behind the first.

When Darlene's hour was up, Don Hightower stepped up for his turn. He was naked and sporting a nice erection. He mounted the bed and gave the kid a straight fuck. By this time, half of the audience was naked and doing something sexual to someone. Young girls were all being screwed. By the time the third guy came up, there was no audience. Me and Darlene even screwed during his hour. Darlene also took Barbie's husband while Barbie gave a twelve-year-old boy his first fuck. The shows going on in the stands were better than the show on the bed.

Then it was Connie's turn. When the guy stepped down, and Connie stood, a hush flowed through the assembly. Couples disengaged. Old cocks emerged from young cunts. Pussies returned to seats. Order returned. Eyes were on Connie and Cindy.

Cindy was a mess. Her face was sopping wet, as was her crotch. Connie walked around the bed, seemingly trying to screw up courage. She began undoing buttons. People cheered. Her blouse came off to more cheers. Her skirt fell and she stepped clear, kicking off her heels. Next, she undid her bra, tossing it, revealing nice, big, firm titties that drew cheers, howls, and catcalls. Wearing only panties and pantyhose, she rolled both down together. She stood naked and received applause which she ignored. It was as though we weren't there.

Connie climbed on the bed and reclined on Cindy, lying on her back. Her cunt was over Cindy's; her head beside Cindy's. Cindy bore the weight, but seemed puzzled. Sensuously, Connie ran her hands over her own body. Her legs fell open as her hands reached her crotch. They opened wide as she delved fingers into her crotch. Her fingers delved low to reach Cindy's cunt as well as her own. She drew long passes up through both cracks and appeared to be loosening up, warming up, or turning on. After a few minutes, Connie was openly masturbating with her legs obscenely spread.

She had everyone mesmerized by her wanton display. Those of us in the bleachers had a head on view. Those on the side got up to look from the foot of the bed. A large crowd gathered to stare up her cunt, but Connie seemed oblivious to them. She kept her legs out wide and continued to boldly manipulate her cunt flesh, presenting the most obscene spectacle of herself. She pulled her cunt lips wide and finger-fucked her hole. Her hips lifted and gyrated. Occasionally, she'd run a hand up to mold and fondle a tit or suck a finger.

After ten minutes or so, she paused, looked at those gathered about, and beckoned a man with her crooked finger, offering her cunt. The naked man climbed on and entered her. He screwed her and another took his place. The men lined up. We saw her take on twenty-two in her hour. Sperm from her pussy soaked Cindy's crotch. Her finale was to turn and slip down between Cindy's legs. She feasted on the sperm and on Cindy's pussy while two more men fucked her ass.

When Bart called time, Connie got up, gathered her things, and returned to her seat, not bothering to dress. We saw a guy go up to her and stand with his cock jutting in her face. He'd been in line, but didn't make it in time. With a look of total resignation, Connie took him in her mouth. Three more lined up behind him.

The next two offered little to distract the audience, so the show moved to the bleachers where Jenny's mother had Jenny standing and bent at the waist, offering her daughter's cunt to any comers. A line formed there and another formed on Darlene. She'd slipped away at the end of Connie's segment and laid over the sawhorse with her ass sticking up. While she was occupied, I got on Barbie. Her hubby was fucking blondie.

Six hours into the scene, many people were drained. People began leaving. Hardly anyone paid attention to the action going on with Cindy. Three sexual duds in a row killed that show. Darlene was back with me. Connie was trying to put her clothes on, but two drunk men were giving her a hard time. Bart settled the argument by taking her clothes away. A group of young boys gathered around her. She let herself be mauled by them.

Jenny had just taken her thirtieth prick, possibly her fortieth. She couldn't stand unassisted. Her mother was still trying to induce more. Her father had her three times that I counted. One man had a young boy laid over an oil drum as was busy packing his poop chute while the boy's mother applied Vaseline while they were fucking. She, in turn, was getting it up the ass by her other son.

Cindy appeared to be out of it. Her cunt and ass were raw. Her blindfold was off. She looked dazed as a man pounded her cunt. From there, the party just fizzled out. People dropped out like flies. The last four winners all took their turns together. By the time they finished, there weren't twenty people left. Surprisingly, Connie was one, still naked, and still getting attention. When Darlene and I decided to leave, Connie was about to get it doggie style from a real doggie. We decided to stay. The mutt had wandered in, a stray looking for scraps. When he began nosing around Connie, Bart made her offer him a spread.

Connie just turned pleading eyes to Bart, but saw no mercy there. Everyone gathered around her. The dog nosed her crotch. Reluctantly, she let her legs swing open. The dog zeroed in on her snatch and began licking. Bart told her to get on all fours and wiggle her ass. She did so in a ring of onlookers. Darlene tugged my sleeve excitedly, saying, "Oh, this is beautiful. Bart can make her do anything. It's amazing. Look at her shaking her ass."

Indeed, it was an amazing sight. Connie did exactly as she was told. The dog finally caught on. He mounted her and began humping. What I found truly amazing was when Connie, on her own, reached between her legs to guide him into her cunt. When the dog got buried in her cunt, she fucked back, more so than she had with any of the men or boys she'd fucked, and she'd fucked a bunch.

We were all amazed by her lewd performance. She lunged back to meet his thrusts. Her head flailed, whipping her long hair around wildly. In her efforts, she dislodged him. Rather than resuming her position, she rolled onto her back and lifted her cunt. The dog remounted her in the face to face position. She guided him into her cunt and gave us an even more lurid display of wanton lust. With her back arched, her tits stretched, and her cunt humping the thrusting cock, she was a sight to see. We all stood around, riveted to the sight.

Unlike the screws she took from men, where she seemed oblivious to her audience, she was tuned into us. Her eyes constantly scanned us, making frequent eye contact. She enjoyed the fact that we were watching and getting off on it. She put on a show for us. After the dog came, he slipped out. Bart came over and lifted the dog by his front paws. Connie, without being told, whipped around and went for the dog's cock with her mouth. She sucked him to keep him hard, then got into her doggie-style position for another penetration. It was the highlight of the day, and most of the people missed it. Darlene and I will never forget it, that's for sure.

After his second fuck, the dog was drained. He pulled out, went into a corner, and collapsed, licking his dick. Bart raised Connie to her feet and said, "The show's over, folks. Be sure to tell everyone what you saw. Connie will like that, won't you, dear?"

Bashfully, she nodded. Bart led her to her car with the crowd following. He helped her into it without returning her clothes. She knew better than to ask. She started the car and left. Darlene and I left right after her. All in all, it was a most interesting day.

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Copyright © 1997, Phil Phantom, ALL Rights Reserved

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